Pot straight into a 15cm (6") pot, using a good quality potting compost, such as John Innes No. 3. Ideally, the plants should then be put into a cold greenhouse, but if the weather is still fine they can be started off outside. However, bring under cover before any frosts. Keep the plants evenly watered, but do not over water. Feed fortnightly with our high potash feed,
click here for full details. Do not stop the plant, just allow it to grow naturally. Some support may be necessary. They will give flower from early November up until Christmas.
Plants should be protected from any severe frost using horticultural fleece. A light frost, however, will do no harm. If a prolonged frosty spell is forecast and the plants are already in bud, then cut the flower and bring indoors and it will continue to open normally.
After flowering, cut the plants down to 7.5cm (3"), leave in the cold greenhouse and do not water over winter. In the spring, when the new growth starts, resume watering and take fresh cuttings to grow on. Alternatively, plant out the over wintered plant in a sunny, well drained position.