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Chrysanthemums Direct, Holmes Chapel Road, Over Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9RA

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Mid-Season Incurved Varieties

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Growing Instructions

Click here for full growing instructions.

The codes after the variety name refer to the Chrysanthemum classification
system, full details can be found here.

For an explanation of heights and stopping dates please click here.

Bryony Wade

Bryony Wade

Classification 13b LPU
Height 1.5m
First stop (pinch out) 15th April
Second stop 20th June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Bryony Wade Peach
  2. Courtier
  3. Chessington Apricot

Bryony Wade Peach

Bryony Wade Peach

Classification 13b LS
Height 1.5m
First stop (pinch out) 15th April
Second stop 20th June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Chessington Apricot
  2. Chessington Cherry
  3. Bryony Wade

Bryony Wade Salmon

Bryony Wade Salmon

Classification 13b S
Height 1.5m
First stop (pinch out) 15th April
Second stop 20th June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Alex Young
  2. Chessington Apricot
  3. Hanenberg

Bryony Wade White

Bryony Wade White

Classification 13b W
Height 1.5m
First stop (pinch out) 15th April
Second stop 20th June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Myss Reanna
  2. Max Riley Bronze
  3. Kay Woolman

Bryony Wade Collection - 1 of each colour (4 plants)

Bryony Wade Collection - 1 of each colour (4 plants)

Price: £14.00

Harry Woolman

Harry Woolman

Classification 13b Y
Height 1.8m
First Stop (pinch out) 10th April
Second Stop 20 June

Price: £3.50

John Hughes

John Hughes

Classification 13b W
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 1st June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Kay Woolman Cream
  2. Kay Woolman
  3. John Hughes Yellow

John Hughes Cream

John Hughes Cream

Classification 13b CR
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 1st June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Clarksdale Golden
  2. Grace Holden
  3. John Hughes Yellow

John Hughes Primrose

John Hughes Primrose

Classification 13b LY
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 1st June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. George Proverbs
  2. Grace Holden
  3. Clarksdale Golden

John Hughes Yellow

John Hughes Yellow

Classification 13b Y
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 1st June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. John Hughes
  2. Clarksdale Golden
  3. Grace Holden

John Hughes Collection - 1 of each colour (4 plants)

John Hughes Collection - 1 of each colour (4 plants)

Price: £14.00

Kay Woolman

Kay Woolman

Classification 13b W
Height 1.5m
First stop (pinch out) 1st April
Second stop 1st June

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Kay Woolman Cream
  2. John Hughes Yellow
  3. John Hughes

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