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Chrysanthemums Direct, Holmes Chapel Road, Over Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9RA

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Late Spray

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Growing Instructions

Click here for full growing instructions.

Some of the Late Sprays are now classified by the National Chrysanthemum Society so that they can be exhibited at their shows. See individual varieties. All late spray varieties are protected by Plant Breeders Rights, which means they cannot be propagated for commercial gain. Propagation for your own use is permitted.



Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Dixter Orange
  2. Feeling Green
  3. Ceres



Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Long Island Beauty
  2. Antiqua
  3. Energy



Classification 9d DR

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Feeling Sunny
  2. Cassandra
  3. Southway Sheba Peach



Classification 9f P

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Samson Lime
  2. Egret Yellow
  3. Green Goddess

Dance Orange

Dance Orange

Classification 9f B

Price: £3.50

Dance Pearl

Dance Pearl

Classification 9f LP

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Feeling Green
  2. Senkyo Karyu
  3. Seaton's Galaxy

Dance Purple

Dance Purple

Classification 9f PU

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Down Pour
  2. Doreen Statham
  3. Dance Orange

Dance Red

Dance Red

Classification 9f LR

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Green Mist
  2. Dance Sunny
  3. Jill Anderton

Dance Sunny

Dance Sunny

Classification 9f Y

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Allouise Pink
  2. Dance Red
  3. Dance Pearl

Dance White

Dance White

Classification 9f W

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Anne Jones
  2. Allouise Pink
  3. Allouise Primrose

Dance Collection - 1 of each colour (7 plants)

Dance Collection - 1 of each colour (7 plants)

Price: £24.50

Disco Club

Disco Club

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Ceres
  2. Raymond Mounsey
  3. Enbee Wedding Golden

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