Although, generally, Chrysanthemums are not prone to many pests or diseases, listed below are some of the more common problems. As so many familiar garden chemicals are being withdrawn at the moment, we have not listed any brands. Please visit your local Garden Centre and ask their advice. Always follow the manufacturer's directions when using chemicals. Organic options may also be available. Good general growing conditions and hygiene will help prevent many problems. All of our young plants are propagated from virus-free mother plants.
Aphids (greenfly, blackfly) - cause distortion of the foliage and are a prime suspect in the spread of viruses.
Capsid Bugs - are sap suckers and will cause distorted growth of terminal shoots.
Earwigs - will eat flowers and foliage, causing ragged patterns.
Thrips - cause puckering of the foliage as well as stunted growth, and can also badly mark the flowers.
Whitefly and Red Spider Mites - can be a problem under glass, both cause stunted growth.
Powdery Mildew - is caused by too high a temperature (mainly under glass) and dryness at the roots.
White Rust - is the biggest disease to affect Chrysanthemums, and its effects can be severe. Watch out for pale yellow spotting on leaf surfaces, followed by pinky-white pustules on the undersides. Remove all affected leaves and burn. Try to keep humidity down and ensure good ventilation, especially under glass.