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Chrysanthemums Direct, Holmes Chapel Road, Over Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9RA

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Propagation plugs and trays

Propagation plugs and trays

We are now able to offer for sale the same Ellie plugs and trays that we use to propagate out cuttings. There are 66 plugs per tray, and they are ideal for rooting any soft cuttings. Make sure that you water the plugs well before use.

We also have Jiffy plugs available, these have 84 plugs per tray, and again need to be fully soaked before use.

Both types are priced at £10.00 per tray and will be sent separately to any plants ordered. Our standard P&P of £4.95 per order applies.

Elle Plug trays x 66

Elle Plug trays x 66

Price: £10.00

Jiffy Plug trays x 84

Jiffy Plug trays x 84

Price: £10.00

Payment Methods

We accept all the major credit cards in addition to Paypal. All your personal details are encrypted on our site using 128bit SSL security. All card payments are handled securely by ClearAccept. Sorry but we do not accept American Express.