There had been no experience of growing the late sprays in gardens until we started selling them to the public. From the reports we have received from our customers, and from our own trials, it is fair to say that most people can grow them outside without difficulty. The exception will be if you are in a very cold spot and suffer from sharp frosts in November, when the plants are in flower. If this is the case, you will need to grow in pots and move into a cold greenhouse before flowering.
The key points to ensure successful growth are a sunny position and well drained soil. One of the problems with these varieties is that, because they are late flowering, they can get very tall if they are planted early in the year. To overcome this, either delay planting until July, or give your plants a hard stop in early August, reducing them to 30cms (12") in height. This will ensure short, sturdy plants that will produce good length flower stems.