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Chrysanthemums Direct, Holmes Chapel Road, Over Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9RA

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Mid-Season Intermediate Varieties

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Growing Instructions

Click here for full growing instructions.

The codes after the variety name refer to the Chrysanthemum classification
system, full details can be found here.

For an explanation of heights and stopping dates please click here.

Billy Bell

Billy Bell

Classification 15a W
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 20th March

Price: £3.50

Billy Bell Primrose

Billy Bell Primrose

Classification 15a LY
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 20th March

This fantastic new sport, from Alan Smith, will make a welcome addition to the white and yellow of this popular variety. We are expecting high demand for this new sport but, we have plenty of top quality stock available.

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Billy Bell
  2. Billy Bell Yellow
  3. John Wingfield Orange

Billy Bell Yellow

Billy Bell Yellow

Classification 15a Y
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 20th March

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Billy Bell Primrose
  2. Billy Bell
  3. Bill Holden

Billy Bell Collection - 1 of each colour (3 plants)

Billy Bell Collection - 1 of each colour (3 plants)

Price: £10.50



Classification 15b LB
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 14th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Clarksdale Golden
  2. Geoff Brady
  3. Balcombe Perfection Red

Clarksdale Golden

Clarksdale Golden

Classification 15b DY
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 14th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. John Hughes Primrose
  2. Jill Anderton
  3. Shirley Model Red

Geoff Brady

Geoff Brady

Classification 15a R
Height 1.6m
Stop (pinch out) 20th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Pomander
  2. Balcombe Perfection Red
  3. Grace Holden

George Proverbs

George Proverbs

Please select a dispatch date of 4th March or later

Classification 15b W
Height 1.3m
Stop (pinch out) 14th March

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Grace Holden
  2. Geoff Brady
  3. Lorna Wood

Grace Holden

Grace Holden

Classification 15b Y
Height 1.3m
Stop (pinch out) 20th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. George Proverbs
  2. Lynn Johnson
  3. Boulou White

Kimberley Marie

Kimberley Marie

Classification 15b LB
Height 1.1m
Stop (pinch out) 15th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Grace Holden
  2. Lynn Johnson
  3. George Proverbs

Lynn Johnson

Lynn Johnson

Classification 15a W
Height 1.8m
Stop (pinch out) 1st April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Grace Holden
  2. Kimberley Marie
  3. George Proverbs

Pauline White

Pauline White

Classification 15a LP
Height 1.1m
Stop (pinch out) 15th May

Price: £3.50

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