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Chrysanthemums Direct, Holmes Chapel Road, Over Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9RA

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Fantasy Varieties

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Growing Instructions

Click here for full growing instructions.

The codes after the variety name refer to the Chrysanthemum classification
system, full details can be found here.

For an explanation of heights and stopping dates please click here.



Classification 10a W
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Goshu Penta
  2. Chesapeake Primrose
  3. Silver Cloud



Classification 10a W
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Golden Rain
  2. Symphony
  3. Coral Reef

Chesapeake Primrose

Chesapeake Primrose

Classification 10a LY
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Coral Reef
  2. Mount Fuji
  3. Fleur de Lis

Coral Reef

Coral Reef

Classification 10b B
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Fleur de Lis
  2. Allouise Salmon
  3. Goshu Penta

Down Pour

Down Pour

Classification 10a/2 W
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Wind Dancer
  2. Coral Reef
  3. Lava

Fleur de Lis

Fleur de Lis

Classification 10a PU
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Coral Reef
  2. Goshu Penta
  3. Senkyo Karyu

Golden Rain

Golden Rain

Classification 10a/2 Y
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Seaton's Galaxy
  2. Chesapeake
  3. Symphony

Golden Splendour

Golden Splendour

Classification 10a Y
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Coral Reef
  2. Green Mist
  3. Myss Saffron

Goshu Penta

Goshu Penta

Classification 10a2 B
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Coral Reef
  2. Fleur de Lis
  3. Mount Fuji

Kiyomi No Meisui

Kiyomi No Meisui

Classification 10b W
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Chesapeake Primrose
  2. Mount Fuji
  3. Symphony



Classification 10a OC
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Coral Reef
  2. Symphony
  3. Senkyo Kenshin

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji

Classification 10b OC
Height 1.2m
Stop (pinch out) 30th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Chesapeake Primrose
  2. Fleur de Lis
  3. Goshu Penta

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