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Chrysanthemums Direct, Holmes Chapel Road, Over Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9RA

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Early Intermediate Varieties

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Growing Instructions

Click here for full growing instructions.

The codes after the variety name refer to the Chrysanthemum classification
system, full details can be found here.

For an explanation of heights and stopping dates please click here.

Alex Young

Alex Young

Classification 25a LB
Height 1.2m
Stop (Pinch out) 20th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Barbara Dakin
  2. Chessington Lilac
  3. Gillette

Anthony Peace

Anthony Peace

Classification 25b W
Height 1.2m
Stop (Pinch out) 1st April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. NHS Rainbow
  2. Betty Wiggins
  3. Barbara Dakin

Archie Harrison

Archie Harrison

Classification 25b
Height 1.2m
Stop (Pinch out) 10th May

Launched at the Malvern Spring Show 2019 to celebrate the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's new baby.

Price: £3.50



Classification 25b LB
Height 1.2m
Stop (Pinch out) 1st May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Allouise Salmon
  2. Nutcracker
  3. Allouise Orange

Barbara Dakin

Barbara Dakin

Classification 25b LB
Height 1m
Stop (Pinch out) 1st May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Betty Wiggins
  2. Gillette
  3. Max Riley Bronze

Betty Wiggins

Betty Wiggins

Classification 25b Y
Height 1.2m
Stop (Pinch out) 15th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Barbara Dakin
  2. Chessington Lilac
  3. Gillette

Carlene Welby

Carlene Welby

Classification 25b LPU
Height 1.1m
Stop (Pinch out) 10th May

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Ted Stepney
  2. Chessington Apricot
  3. Allouise Pink



Classification 25b W
Height 1.8m
Stop (Pinch out) 15th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Symphony
  2. Feeling Green
  3. George Griffiths

Chessington Apricot

Chessington Apricot

Classification 25b LB
Height 1.8m
Stop (Pinch out) 15th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Chessington Cherry
  2. Chessington Oyster
  3. Hanenberg

Chessington Cherry

Chessington Cherry

Classification 25b DS
Height 1.8m
Stop (Pinch out) 15th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Chessington Apricot
  2. Lava
  3. Salhouse Joy

Chessington Lilac

Chessington Lilac

Classification 25b LPU
Height 1.8m
Stop (Pinch out) 15th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Betty Wiggins
  2. Lilly Emily
  3. Barbara Dakin

Chessington Oyster

Chessington Oyster

Classification 25b OC
Height 1.8m
Stop (Pinch out) 15th April

Price: £3.50

People who bought this also bought:

  1. Chessington Apricot
  2. Allouise Salmon
  3. Joyce Lawrence

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