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Chrysanthemums Direct, Holmes Chapel Road, Over Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 9RA

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The ultimate e-book

We are often asked to recommend a suitable book for people interested in growing Chrysanthemums. There have not been many to choose from recently but now there is an e-book available, which we are happy to endorse. This is an up-dated version for 2021.

Written by Ivor Mace and Paul Barlow, two of the top growers in the UK, who have a combined experience of over 70 years in Chrysanthemum cultivation. This e-book is a global first on the subject of Chrysanthemums and the first complete Chrysanthemum publication in over a decade. The e-book contains broad coverage - from large exhibition to fantasies and early disbuds to hardy garden varieties. The e-book boasts over 450 pages packed with advice and guidance and literally hundreds of photographs and illustrations.

It is available to purchase from Ivor's website, at the price of £10.00,
Click here to order your copy